wills and probate law

Wills and Estates Lawyers Online in Ontario

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Ensuring Your Legacy: The Importance of Wills and Probate Lawyers in Ontario

In the province of Ontario, Canada, planning for the future and ensuring the proper distribution of assets after one's passing is a crucial aspect of estate management. This process involves drafting a legally binding document known as a will, which outlines how a person's assets and possessions are to be distributed among their beneficiaries. However, navigating the complexities of estate planning, will drafting, and probate procedures can be challenging without the guidance of a qualified professional. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why you might need a wills and probate lawyer in Ontario, emphasizing the importance of having a will and powers of attorney in place.

Why Might You Need a Wills and Probate Lawyer in Ontario?

1. Legal Expertise and Guidance:

   Wills and probate lawyers possess specialized knowledge and expertise in estate planning and administration. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring that your wishes are accurately reflected in your will and that your estate plan complies with Ontario's legal requirements.

2. Drafting a Comprehensive Will:

   A will is a legal document that specifies how your assets, properties, and possessions will be distributed upon your death. A wills and probate lawyer can assist you in drafting a comprehensive will that covers all aspects of your estate, including real estate, investments, bank accounts, personal belongings, and digital assets.

3. Minimizing Probate Fees and Taxes:

   Probate is the legal process of validating a will and administering the estate of a deceased person. Probate fees and taxes can significantly reduce the value of your estate if not properly managed. A skilled wills and probate lawyer can help you implement strategies to minimize probate fees and taxes, preserving more of your assets for your beneficiaries.

4. Avoiding Family Disputes and Legal Challenges:

   Clear and precise language in a will can help prevent disputes among family members and minimize the risk of legal challenges to the estate. A wills and probate lawyer can ensure that your will is drafted in a manner that minimizes ambiguity and potential conflicts, thereby providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

5. Updating and Reviewing Estate Plans:

   Life circumstances and financial situations can change over time, necessitating updates to your estate plan. A wills and probate lawyer can assist you in reviewing and updating your will and powers of attorney to reflect any changes in your wishes or circumstances, ensuring that your estate plan remains current and effective.

The Importance of Having a Will and Powers of Attorney:

1. Ensuring Your Wishes Are Honored:

   A will allows you to specify how you want your assets to be distributed after your death, ensuring that your wishes are honored and your loved ones are provided for according to your intentions.

2. Appointing Guardians for Minor Children:

   A will enables you to appoint guardians for your minor children, ensuring that they are cared for by individuals you trust in the event of your untimely passing.

3. Designating Executors and Powers of Attorney:

   Executors and powers of attorney are responsible for managing your affairs and making decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. By appointing trusted individuals to these roles in your will and powers of attorney documents, you can ensure that your interests are protected and your wishes are carried out.

In conclusion, the importance of having a will and powers of attorney in Ontario cannot be overstated. These legal documents provide clarity, direction, and protection for you and your loved ones, ensuring that your wishes are honored and your estate is managed according to your intentions. By seeking the guidance of a knowledgeable wills and probate lawyer, you can navigate the complexities of estate planning with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that your legacy is in good hands.

There's a saying that death and taxes are the only certainties in life. When it comes to the average Canadian, these are two things that you will have to consider together at some point in order to plan for the future.

Power of Attorney for Property - Power of Attorney for Personal Care

Before we get to that point however, there are two documents you may wish to execute that has nothing to do with what happens after passing away. The Power of Attorney for Property and Personal Care are two documents that will dictate who you appoint to make substitute decisions for you should you become incapacitated. By completing these documents while you are able-bodied, you will eliminate any potential disputes later on as to who gets to make critical decisions with respect to your medical care when you are unable to make those decisions yourself, as well as your finances if you're incapable of doing so. You can complete these with a lawyer for usually a relatively low-cost and you can ask any questions at that point.

Intestacy and the Importance of Wills

When it comes to wills, most people, especially young people, tend to put it off thinking that it will not be needed anytime soon. A person who dies without a will is called intestate. If you want to control how your assets or your estate gets divided up, you should create a will so that the family and friends you want to get each of your possessions or amounts of money will be properly accounted for in the event of your death. You may think that it's not a big deal since you have already passed away, so the burden is not yours anymore, but you will save your family or next-of-kin from a lot of grief if you can properly divide up your property the way you want while you're still alive so no one needs to guess your intentions. It is the best way to protect your family and their relationships, which may sour if an asset dispute arises.

Despite this, more than half of Canadians do not have a last will and testament. Creating a will is not difficult, but you should do it with the lawyer so that you don't miss out on any issues such as tax issues or issues relating to foreign properties or other more complex aspects of your estate.


Probate is an approval process which confirms the validity of your will and the appointment of your executor. The executor is somebody who will carry out the terms of your will and look after your assets after you pass away. When you are writing a will, you will name an executor. If you die without a will, the court may appoint an administrator for your estate.

What happens if your executor doesn't go through probate? Well imagine the situation where a bank is approached by an individual who is requesting the money of a deceased individual. The bank will not take the risk that the money is given to one individual and somebody else comes along later claiming that they are the beneficiary to that money. In other words, the bank will want legal protection from being sued. Not all assets require probate though. 

A lawyer can also explain to you what happens with joint accounts and assets if one of the account holders pass away. Wills and estates law can become very complicated, depending on the nature of assets a person has as well as the number of potential beneficiaries.  Proper planning can minimize probate taxes.

Ready to get started?  Key Legal has Ontario Wills and Probate Lawyers ready to help you either through Zoom meetings or by telephone.  You can either book an appointment or request a lawyer on-demand.  Just use our booking page or our chat feature to get started!