Key Legal Affiliate program policies

All Key Legal Affiliates are required to complete agreement and remain in compliance with these terms. This list contains everything you need to know to be a Key Legal affiliate, including resources, recommendations, and some fun legal stuff.
If you're not yet part of the Key Legal Affiliate Program, you can apply by sending an e-mail with your name, e-mail address and a brief overview of where you intend to promote our business to:
Getting Started / Resources
1. Affiliate Starter Kit: We are working to put together a starter kit to walk you through how to begin promoting Key Legal products, including tips and tricks, how to use your portal, and where to access links and assets. This will be your go-to resource for all things the affiliate program. In the meantime, all assets can be found in the Affiliate Area.
2. Account: You can log into your account at anytime and track your clicks and referrals at:
3. Need anything else?: If you ever need anything else or have questions, feel free to reach out to the team at
Commission Rates: You receive a fixed percentage (%) commission based
on the customer’s first purchase of a consultation:
Rate: 50%
For clarity, the amount is calculated on the net amount of the customer’s first
purchase, after all coupons, promotions or codes are applied. Commissions are not paid on any amounts paid
for applicable taxes. Commissions are
also not payable if the customer requests a refund, whether in full or
partial. No commissions are payable if
the customer is subjected to free or special (discounted) rates, which include,
but are not limited to: students,
seniors or low-income individuals, or those requesting free services
(applicable to certain areas of law).
a. You
receive commission for the first purchase made by a new customer who is not in
an active sales process with us at the time of the affiliate link click.
b. If a
customer requests a refund subsequent to a Commission being paid, the amount
will be deducted from any future Commissions and/or will become repayable to
c. The
customer must land on and sign up on a landing page in order to be
properly tracked
Affiliate links rely on cookies to track sales so the customer cannot have
cleared their cookies.
e. Only
affiliate links can be used to track sales. Incorrect use of affiliate
links will cause inability to track referrals.
There are a number of other limitations that may result in commission not being
paid - we encourage you to read the Marketing
Affiliate Program Agreement for more information
on this. Use of this program is subject to your agreement to the aforementioned Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement, as amended.
PayPal or Stripe: Be sure to add your PayPal or Stripe email to your profile
so we can send you your commissions.
Attribution: In the event a single customer clicks two different
affiliate links, the first affiliate gets the credit
Cookie Window: 90 days of clicking your affiliate link
Key Legal
1. Key
Legal Branding
the language and assets we’ve provided you in the affiliate area and on our
website. You are permitted to crop the assets (other than our logo) as needed,
provided that cropping the image does not result in a departure or change of
the intent or messaging of the asset.
false or misleading statements on the benefits of using Key Legal (e.g. “Get
rich quick with Key Legal”)
or adjust the Key Legal wordmark or logo in any sort of marketing material you
might create, including the creation of any visual badges.
What to call yourself
As we have
multiple ways to partner with Key Legal and several ways to reference those
relationships, here are some guidelines around what you can and cannot call
yourself within the Key Legal Affiliate Program.
Say you’re a “Key Legal Marketing Affiliate” or “Marketing Affiliate”
Not: Refer to yourself as a Partner or that you’ve “partnered with Key Legal.”
This includes press releases, references in videos, listings on your website,
or in any other marketing material you may be using
Buying Ads
You will not purchase ads that direct to your site(s) or through an
affiliate link that could be considered as competing with Key Legal’s own
advertising, including, but not limited to, our branded keywords
that don’t fit into the other buckets
Survey Participation: We would encourage you to participate in any
Affiliate-specific surveys, industry surveys, marketing surveys, etc. as we
Sharing Placements: When requested, you’ll share the places you’ve used
your affiliate link. This includes, but is not limited to, links, screenshots,
and email sends.
Purchasing Key Legal yourself: One of the benefits
of the Affiliate Program is we don’t require you to purchase Key Legal
products. Though if you decide to purchase, we require that you do not use your
own affiliate link.